
Hey, this is my academic webpage.


Dr. Chen got his PhD of fluid mechanics from University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS) in 2016. Between 2013 to 2014, he studied in RWTH Aachen University (sponsored by UCAS and DAAD). After conducting postdoc research in Peking University and SUSTech, he joined Technical University of Munich (TUM) as Humboldt Fellow. Since 2022, he became a faculty member of Beihang University.

  • 2022/02: Associate Professor of Beihang University.
  • 2021/12: Finished the project funded by Humboldt fellowship.
  • 2021/11: Oral presentation at STAB meeting, Göttingen.
  • 2021/09: Supervisor of master student Lennart Bott.
  • 2021/07: Oral presentation at UQ-TUM-DLR workshop, Munich.
  • 2021/04: Supervisor of master student Vinzenz Völkl.
  • 2021/03: Oral presentation at Beihang University (Invited by Prof. Zhang).
  • 2019/12: Visting researcher of Hypersonics Lab at TUM.
  • 2019/05: Completed the Postdoc project in SUSTech.
  • 2019/03: Won the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship.
  • Hypersonic flights & Space technology.
  • Turbulence & Laminar transition.
  • DSMC & CFD methods.
Current projects
  • DSMC study of hypersonic flow past rougness surface.

Feel free to drop me a message: chensongcas(at)163.com