

Posted by 陈陈 on May 28, 2021


ssh -Y skx.supermuc.lrz.de -l ge54cel3

ssh - Secure Shell on LRZ HPC Systems

[1] https://doku.lrz.de/display/PUBLIC/ssh+-+Secure+Shell+on+LRZ+HPC+Systems

According to the webside, first we do the “Configuration of SSH public-key authentication for access to LRZ systems from outside”.

  • open the “Public keys for SuperMUC-NG login nodes”, and copy the content;
  • add into the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file (you may need to generate the .ssh directory if it does not exist yet) on your local machine;
  • do according the Client (your desktop) is a LINUX system

Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -a 100

Enter passphrase,e.g. hereiam

ssh-copy-id -i /home/songchen/.ssh/id_ecdsa ge54cel3@skx.supermuc.lrz.de

If successful, the command’s response will contain:

Number of key(s) added: 1

Check the status of the SuperMUC-NG

[2] https://doku.lrz.de/display/PUBLIC/SuperMUC-NG+Status

Upload or download files

  1. sent DATA FROM LRZ to local computer

    scp ge54cel3@skx.supermuc.lrz.de:/dss/dsshome1/0E/ge54cel3/testcase/temp.plt ~/Downloads

  2. sent data from local computer to LRZ

    scp -r ~/code ge54cel3@skx.supermuc.lrz.de:/dss/dsshome1/0E/ge54cel3/sparta

scp cannot be invoked on the LRZ system, because all outgoing connections are blocked. You have to use it on your local computer.

Compile the Sparta

  1. check module

    module list module show mpi.intel/2019

  2. find the libraries
    echo $MPI_LIB
  3. Set the path in the Makefile.foo

    MPI_INC = -I/lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/include /usr/include/c++/4.8 MPI_PATH = -L/lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/lib/
    MPI_LIB = /lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/lib/libmpicxx.so.12

  4. compile the code
    make foo

The sbatch Command

[3] https://doku.lrz.de/display/PUBLIC/Job+Processing+with+SLURM+on+SuperMUC-NG

# Job Name and Files
#SBATCH -o ./myjob_output.%j.%N.out
#SBATCH -J test
#Notification and type
#send a notice to email when end: SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --mail-user=insert_your_email_here
#Setup of execution environment   
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --get-user-env
#SBATCH --account=insert your_projectID_here
#SBATCH --partition=insert test, micro, general, large or fat
#SBATCH --nodes=10
# --- available cores per node 48 ---
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
# Wall clock limit: 
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
#SBATCH --no-requeue
module load slurm_setup
#module load gcc/4.8
#cd $SCRATCH/mydata
cd /dss/dsshome1/0E/ge54cel3/testcases/unsteady/case1
mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS ./spa_foo < in.config ---

List of relevant commands

submit a job script

sbatch jobname

delete or terminate a queued or running job

scancel job_id

print table of submitted jobs and their state.

squeue -p test

create an interactive SLURM shell


execute argument command on the resources assigned to a job. Note: must be executed inside an active job (script or interactive environment). mpiexec is an alternative and preferred on LRZ system


Display various status information of a running job/step.


provide overview of cluster status


uery and modify SLURM state

scontrol q

(sacct is not available for users. The detailed usage of these commands can be found in Webpage Ref.[3])