

Posted by 陈陈 on December 9, 2020


ssh -Y lxlogin2.lrz.de -l ge54cel2

The nodes lxlogin2~8 maybe work, just try it. VNP is not needed for the connection outside the campus network.

Introduction of the cluster


Check the status of the cluster


Upload or download files

  1. sent DATA FROM LRZ to local computer

    scp ge54cel2@lxlogin2.lrz.de:/dss/dsshome1/lxc0E/ge54cel2/testcase/circle2D_M10vib/tmp_grid1000.plt ~/incoming/circle2D_M10vib

  2. sent data from local computer to LRZ

    scp -r sparta/ ge54cel2@lxlogin7.lrz.de:/dss/dsshome1/lxc0E/ge54cel2

Compile the Sparta

  1. check module

    module list module show mpi.intel/2019

  2. find the libraries

    echo $MPI_LIB

  3. Set the path in the Makefile.foo

    MPI_INC = -I/lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/include
    MPI_PATH = -L/lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/lib/
    MPI_LIB = /lrz/sys/intel/impi2019u6/impi/2019.6.154/intel64/lib/libmpicxx.so.12

  4. compile the code

    make foo

The bash clusterscript.md

#SBATCH -o ./myjob_output.%j.%N.out
#SBATCH -J test
#SBATCH --get-user-env
#SBATCH --clusters=tum_aer
#SBATCH --partition=tum_aer_batch
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=28
# --- multiples of 28 for mpp2 ---
#SBATCH --mail-type=end,begin
#SBATCH --mail-user=song.chen@tum.de
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
module load slurm_setup
#module load gcc/7
#cd $SCRATCH/mydata
cd /dss/dsshome1/lxc0E/ge54cel2/sparta/examples/circle_test2
mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS ./spa_foo < inputfile.dat -------------------------------------------------

Frequently used commands

  1. submit the job

    sbatch clusterscript.md

  2. check queue

    squeue –clusters=mpp2

  3. delete script

    scancel –clusters=mpp2 194595